Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Chant of the Month AUM 28

 The Science of AUM

The unique symbol of AUM occupies divinity in the Sanatan Dharma iconography. It is a scientific and spiritual icon. It is not merely a "tool" for meditations or for contemplating on mantras, but the syllable invokes cosmic presence in them. The facts were explained with Metaphysics in the Vedas and then rituals were developed for the continuation.

Contemporary science that has evolved in the last 150 years has started giving scientific explanation which relates to knowledge from the 12000-year history of Vedanta.

·         String theory states that everything in our Universe is made up of tiny vibrating strings. (The name string theory comes from the modeling of subatomic particles as tiny one-dimensional “stringlike” entities rather than the more conventional approach in which they are modeled as zero-dimensional point particles.)

·         Note the relation of AUM as vibration and the tiny vibrating strings is a similar explanation of the happenings in cosmic science. Ancient Indians during the Vedic period were much more advanced than us not only in terms of technology but also spiritually.

·         Life on earth is made up of intelligence, energy, and matter in a close domain of time and space. Intelligence is a function of consciousness and hence energy and matter is investigated by looking for the smallest particle that gave it a stable structure.

·         Quantum physics also relates to energy and matter. Quantum, derived from the word quantity, means the smallest identifiable unit in the universe of any physical property like energy or matter.

·         While looking for the smallest particle, science has concluded that everything at its ultimate atomic grade is made up of extremely small vibrating strands called strings. These strings have a repeated oscillatory pattern of vibration.

·         It is concluded that the resonance of particles composing the vibrating strings with their mass and energy is also responsible for producing the atoms. I call it the vibrating energy field.

·         Quantum fields are really a mind-bending way of thinking. Everything and I means everything, is just a consequence of many infinitely-large fields vibrating. The entire universe is made of fields playing a vast, subatomic symphony. Physicists are trying to understand the melody.” Would not be surprised if it turns out to be AUM

The small hard cores inside the proton were found to be even smaller particles that make up the proton. These elementary particles are called Quarks,

·         Quarks smallest things we know of. preons sub-components of quarks and leptons. Quarks make up protons and neutrons, which, in turn, make up an atom's nucleus

·         'God particle' -The nickname was meant to poke fun at how difficult it was to detect the particle for they were predicted particles of quantum physics but not experimentally proven for many years until it is confirmed experimentally.

·         From quantum level to the gigantic galaxies, all vibrate at their own frequency and unite with dominant ones with energy. I have called it the vibrating energy field that dominates creation, preservation, and destruction.

More on my blog Multiverse has consciousness as an energy vibrating field

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