Friday, 19 August 2022

Chant of the Month AUM 23

 Om is consciousness

·        There are five fields that govern cosmic existence.

·        The ‘space’ houses ‘matter’ and ‘energy’ evolving in a ‘time-variant configuration with ‘consciousness’ giving it orderliness.

·          Giving consciousness a place in our thought I will describe it as a self-simulating logic in control with constant feedback of the actual happenings acting as a vibrating energy field or AUM

·        When time is an illusion in the absence of matter and energy, yet matter and energy keeps a cyclic order converting to and fro to maintain an everlasting or infinite cycle. It is here space and time are defined no more, than consciousness empowers matter and energy in a void that maintains equilibrium with a universal vibration known to Sanatan Dharma as OM

·        I am convinced that with the right sound one can change the frequency of matter and finally bank or retrieve the required vibration one desires. Hence prayer is a set of vibrations that can communicate with matter and energy and by gazing at that matter one stimulates consciousness or OM. 

·        Here is where I am convinced that the Hindu idols have resonating vibration that produces abnormally large vibration which is shared for the benefit of their devotees.

·        Specific scientific research Modern technology, such as sound spectrum analysis and brain imaging technology, has made it possible to analyze the structure and quality of sound waves produced by chanting, as well as the physiological responses induced by the repetition of the Aum sound. Finally, science is getting interested.


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