Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Chant of the Month AUM 20

 Beej Mantra OM

The ancient yogis knew and practiced many methods that are now becoming accepted by the scientific community. One of these is the chanting of mantras. Mantras are syllables that exert an influence or effect through sound vibrations that resonate on specific parts of the body. 

Different syllables vibrate at different sound frequencies and so they will resonate with certain organs and parts of the body. The human hearing range is 20Hz to 20KHz. Aum vibrates at 432 Hz, which is quite low within our hearing range.

Frequencies of some Beej Mantras OM – 7.83 Hz Gam – 14 Hz Hleem – 20 Hz Hreem – 26 Hz Kleem – 33 Hz Krowm – 39 Hz Sreem – 45 Hz 

It is interesting to note that the universe and all its entities are also self-replicating in a cyclic orientation and continue infinitely without a beginning or an end. Om is regarded as the fuel for its existence.

The human hearing range is 20Hz to 20KHz, many such cosmic sounds were heard by Maharishis in their spiritual trance believed to have an 8-strand DNA compared to the 2 strands DNA of a normal Human, which broadened their sense spectrum. The important ones were called Beej Mantras. However, our brain can register many such vibrations but cannot convert them to audible vibrations.


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