Monday, 8 August 2022

Chant of the Month AUM 12

Eternal Symbol OM

·        AUM interested the first humans with an activated intelligence to investigate and understand the approaching vibrations from the beginning of time. The inspired yogis deciphered it with meditation and called it the hum of the universe. Later known as AUM, the tri-syllabic word.

·        It was regarded as a vibration that stimulated all that exist, so to be in harmony with it, the Vedic thinkers and Maha Rishis created a ritual to propagate its importance. Today after thousands of years we still continue the ritual of repeating and synchronizing our vibrations with that of the universe. In the misty past, many salient features were forgotten but we just know their importance.

·        Om symbol gave us the freedom to describe the image of Aum in our own representations. When the image of Aum is seen by a devotee he or she would recite the mantra Aum mentally in a state of meditative consciousness. Therefore the visual image of AUM is important to a Hindu and where necessary it would be used by the observer to meditate on AUM.

The symbol is one of peace, tranquillity, and unity and reminds people to understand the divinity all over as described today;

·        AUM-The most sacred sound of the universe

·        AUM- the primordial sound that creates this universe

·        How chanting AUM or mantra changes your DNA

·        How to change body forms by chanting AUM or mantra

·        Aum-The sacred syllable and sound of God

Om also Symbolizes:

·        Creation Preservation and Destruction

·        the vibration of Brahman.

·        Truth, the Absolute

·        the energy vibrating field of the universe.

·        Moksha and the means to it

Most of the rituals are derived from Upanishads-which are extensions of Vedas. Upanishad is the record that contains the spiritual experiences of all the maharishis who adopted the path of intense pain and continuous struggle to go beyond the transcendental nature of this universe and understand its spiritual significance, sages documented them for the betterment of human society.

 So be proud to be Sanatani with a proud history and heritage that lasted for eons.

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