Friday, 26 August 2022

Chant of the Month AUM 30


  • Ø Sanatan Dharma evolved with many adaptations since its eternal existence.

Ø                   Ø Once again you have a choice in the quote “AUM is it”.

            Ø From the many thoughts that were given, make a choice for “it”

            Ø That will be included in your Dharma

  • Note;
  •          Sanatan Vedic Dharma, which is the “eternal” or absolute set of duties or truthfully ordained practices incumbent upon all humans, regardless of class, caste, or sector or Dharma is one’s personal path in life with truth or righteousness, the fulfillment of which leads to the awakening of consciousness.
  •      Note the difference Brahma is referred to as "The Creator" within the Trimurti, Brahman as the ultimate reality one 'Supreme Spirit' in many forms 

·        ·       Shiva created the concept of divinity, and Krishna perfected it with excellence Shiva as Brahman is realized with the infinite vibration AUM, Krishna as Brahman is realized with metaphysics, spirituality, and  the mantra “OM TAT SAT”



Thursday, 25 August 2022

Chant of the Month AUM 29

II Om Tat Sat II 

·        Om Tat Sat is a mantra in Sanskrit which literally means, 'All that is the Truth', essentially meaning the 'Supreme or Absolute Truth'( Supreme or Absolute are extended names of truth but the truth is only one that is TRUTH).

OM - universal vibrating energy field 

Tat- is

Sat- a function of truth or divinity which is independent of duality 

·        Truth is an attribute of consciousness and hence the aim to achieve the path of truth is to activate your intellect in search of truth.

·        Om Tat Sat is the group of three mantras in Sanskrit found in verse 17.23 of the Bhagavad Gita. "Om Tat Sat" is the eternal sound of Pranav. "Om Tat Sat" represents the unmanifest and absolute reality. By the word "reality", here it means total existence. 

·        In Sanatan Dharma, the sound is believed to be the Frequency of Existence. Not just creation but conservation and extinction in a cyclic order. Para Brahman (Krishna and Shiva are Para Brahman) in short, it is the resonant frequency of the Omniverse (a universe that is spatiotemporally four-dimensional).


Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Chant of the Month AUM 28

 The Science of AUM

The unique symbol of AUM occupies divinity in the Sanatan Dharma iconography. It is a scientific and spiritual icon. It is not merely a "tool" for meditations or for contemplating on mantras, but the syllable invokes cosmic presence in them. The facts were explained with Metaphysics in the Vedas and then rituals were developed for the continuation.

Contemporary science that has evolved in the last 150 years has started giving scientific explanation which relates to knowledge from the 12000-year history of Vedanta.

·         String theory states that everything in our Universe is made up of tiny vibrating strings. (The name string theory comes from the modeling of subatomic particles as tiny one-dimensional “stringlike” entities rather than the more conventional approach in which they are modeled as zero-dimensional point particles.)

·         Note the relation of AUM as vibration and the tiny vibrating strings is a similar explanation of the happenings in cosmic science. Ancient Indians during the Vedic period were much more advanced than us not only in terms of technology but also spiritually.

·         Life on earth is made up of intelligence, energy, and matter in a close domain of time and space. Intelligence is a function of consciousness and hence energy and matter is investigated by looking for the smallest particle that gave it a stable structure.

·         Quantum physics also relates to energy and matter. Quantum, derived from the word quantity, means the smallest identifiable unit in the universe of any physical property like energy or matter.

·         While looking for the smallest particle, science has concluded that everything at its ultimate atomic grade is made up of extremely small vibrating strands called strings. These strings have a repeated oscillatory pattern of vibration.

·         It is concluded that the resonance of particles composing the vibrating strings with their mass and energy is also responsible for producing the atoms. I call it the vibrating energy field.

·         Quantum fields are really a mind-bending way of thinking. Everything and I means everything, is just a consequence of many infinitely-large fields vibrating. The entire universe is made of fields playing a vast, subatomic symphony. Physicists are trying to understand the melody.” Would not be surprised if it turns out to be AUM

The small hard cores inside the proton were found to be even smaller particles that make up the proton. These elementary particles are called Quarks,

·         Quarks smallest things we know of. preons sub-components of quarks and leptons. Quarks make up protons and neutrons, which, in turn, make up an atom's nucleus

·         'God particle' -The nickname was meant to poke fun at how difficult it was to detect the particle for they were predicted particles of quantum physics but not experimentally proven for many years until it is confirmed experimentally.

·         From quantum level to the gigantic galaxies, all vibrate at their own frequency and unite with dominant ones with energy. I have called it the vibrating energy field that dominates creation, preservation, and destruction.

More on my blog Multiverse has consciousness as an energy vibrating field

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Chant of the Month AUM 27

 AUM, the Mantra for householders

AUM is the one-word mantra that is the most powerful mantra. It is the essence of all mantras. As a rule, every mantra generally starts from AUM otherwise it is considered incomplete hence a ritual is given to the householders who embrace simple norms of Sanatan Dharma. Chants AUM for all occasions and celebrations 

  • ·        In Sanatan Dharma most of the rituals are derived from Upanishads-which are extensions of Vedas. Upanishad is the record that contains the spiritual experiences of all the maharishis who adopted the path of intense pain and continuous struggle to go beyond the transcendental nature of this universe.
  • ·        Sanatan Vedic Hindu Dharma has played a meaningful role in stimulating the intellects of evolving humans from the beginning of time. It has considered all matter, vibrations, and sight that are so designed to form rituals to worship their creator.
  • ·        The simplest act given to its devotees is a prayer ritual and to this day it is a continuation of the creation of great thinkers, who communicated with consciousness; who had a stimulated consciousness. The five main Vedic deities who are mainly Nature gods and who have touched the cycle of life of man are Surya- Sun God, Indra- King of Gods, Agni- God of fire, Vayu- God of Winds, Varuna- God of water is recognized in a simple prayer ritual.
  • ·        By practicing the use of many Hindu sacraments in our daily life, Om(pronounced Aum) has given us an identity with thousands of years of history to an average householder.
  • ·        Symbols of OM, in jewelry, wall hangings, names, greetings, and many other ways are seen used by an average householder of Sanatan Dharma to activate the vibrations of AUM.
  • ·        If Hinduism is an association then AUM is its symbol. AUM symbol is found on the letterhead of companies, examination papers, newspapers, etc. and the AUM symbol is enshrined in all temples, houses, doors, entrances, etc. marking its heredity.
  • ·         Wearing an AUM pendant has become a fashion but many wear it as a reminder of spiritual perfection of mind and body. According to ancient traditions, many rituals are still followed by Brahmans, when a new child is born, AUM is chanted, AUM tilak is enshrined on the forehead and the AUM symbol is written with honey on the tongue of the child. Thus right from birth to death, AUM remains the symbol of devotion forever in the lifetime of the Hindus.

Monday, 22 August 2022

Chant of the Month AUM 26

 Om and Prayers

  • To experience communication with the creator the Hindus created a prayer ritual that included matter and used audiovisuals to create the required vibration.

The vocal sounds were enriched with the ringing of the bell, blowing of the conch, and playing of musical instruments. In this process, the vibration of the surrounding resonated AUM (OM).

  •  This is the vibration that was regarded as the finite vibration that can reach the cosmic vibration and hence it is encouraged to repeat Om with the beginning and end of any mantras, prayers, or recitation in the acknowledgment of the creator.

The science of prayer has been long forgotten but the Hindus of today worship the five Vedic Nature gods in a prayer ritual, invoking the Soul (Jivatman). The faith and respect in the worship of these Vedic gods go as far back as 12 000 years.

  • Chanting mantras creates a divine link with the deity which serves as the path to shower prosperity, fame, success, wealth, and power to the devotee.

Some positive energy exists around the idol which is experienced by the devotees continuously. When we chant, sound vibrations that are produced by our concentrated mind react with this positive energy and create a divine current.

  •  This current stimulates some of the positive energy within our body thus bringing internal peace to the mind.

We are just a small fraction of the sum total created by our creator. It is said that chanting produces certain lighting figures of deities in the mind which become brighter and brighter as we advance in the various stages of self-realization.

  • Aum is placed at the start of all mantras as a sacred invocation at the start of the prayer.
  • Out of all the mantras, the Gayatri mantra is the most sacred mantra in Hinduism. From the three letters of the AUM came the three feet of goddess Gayatri which in turn caused the formation of three cosmic planes.
  • This universal creation is venerated by chanting the Gayatri mantra. Devi Gayatri (Saraswati) is the consort of Brahma and the mother of all Vedas

·        AUM is the essence of the Gayatri mantra.

Om bhur bhuvah svah tat savitur varenyam

Bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Chant of the Month AUM 25

 The vibration of the Universe is imitated by AUM

Everything in the universe is pulsating and vibrating, nothing is really standing still! Om is said to be the original, primordial tone of the universe, the original sound of creation if you like.

  • It is interesting to note that astrophysicists have now detected echoes of the Big Bang that happened at the beginning of time. And this sound they have detected is a humming sound, very much like that of the OM.
  • The sound Om, when chanted, vibrates at the frequency of 136.1 Hz, which is the same vibrational frequency found throughout everything in nature interestingly, it is also the frequency of the 32nd Octave of the Earth Year.
  • Time Period (T) of one rotation of earth round the sun = 365.256 days x 24 hrs/day x 60 min/hr x 60 sec/min = 31558118.4 sec So, the frequency (f) of earth year = 1/T = 3.168757 x 10-8 Hz. If we multiply this with the 32nd octave, that is. with 4294967296 (=232), we get = 136.1 Hz = frequency of the sound  OM.
  • The sound Om, when chanted, vibrates at the frequency of 432 Hz, which is the same vibrational frequency found throughout everything in nature. As such, AUM is the basic sound of the universe, so by chanting it, we are symbolically and physically acknowledging our connection to nature and all other living beings.
  • Many cosmic sounds were heard by Maharishis in their spiritual trance believed to have an 8-strand DNA compared to 2 strands of DNA of a normal Human, which broadened their sense spectrums. However, our brain can register many such vibrations but cannot convert them to audible vibrations.
  • It is interesting to note that the universe and all its entities are also self-replicating in a cyclic orientation and continue infinitely without a beginning or an end. Om is regarded as the fuel for its existence.

More on


Saturday, 20 August 2022

Chant of the Month AUM 24

AUM should be chanted in multiples of 3

Throughout human history, the number 3 has always had a unique significance. Number 3 was considered the perfect number, the number of harmony, wisdom, and understanding.

The number three in Hinduism 

  • According to the Vayu Purana, Om is the representation of the Hindu Trimurti and represents the union of the three Divinity, viz. A for Brahma, U for Vishnu, and M for Shiva.
  • Hindu Trinity- Brahma is the creator of the universe, Vishnu is the keeper of reality, and Shiva is the destructive force.
  • More specifically, Shiva is represented by a trident, the points of which represent his three main forces: ‘will’ ‘activity’ and ‘knowledge’
  • Shiva is also illustrated by the third eye in the middle of the forehead. With this eye, you can see things. He has the ability to the extrasensory perception.
  • The letter three also incites the symbol AUM
  • In science, DNA codes all living organisms depend on three types of molecules for all their biological functions. These molecules are DNA, RNA, and proteins, and they are classified as biological macromolecules
  • 'Om' is said once and Shanti is repeated thrice after that. Shanti is repeated thrice since it is chanted for peace in the body, mind, and spirit. It is also chanted thrice to make the past, present, and future peaceful.

OM is considered as chief Prāna and the very nature of adhyātma and it controls the functions of all your speech including your senses which includes overall functioning of your soul and your body. To balance the spiritual energy you need to chant Om at least 3 times to establish a divinity.

Many metaphysical and yogic texts of India consider OM to be the pran-tatwa i.e. the essence of cosmos itself. These scriptures even go so far as to state and propound that Om is the sound of the universe as such. 108 is the most ideal 

Friday, 19 August 2022

Chant of the Month AUM 23

 Om is consciousness

·        There are five fields that govern cosmic existence.

·        The ‘space’ houses ‘matter’ and ‘energy’ evolving in a ‘time-variant configuration with ‘consciousness’ giving it orderliness.

·          Giving consciousness a place in our thought I will describe it as a self-simulating logic in control with constant feedback of the actual happenings acting as a vibrating energy field or AUM

·        When time is an illusion in the absence of matter and energy, yet matter and energy keeps a cyclic order converting to and fro to maintain an everlasting or infinite cycle. It is here space and time are defined no more, than consciousness empowers matter and energy in a void that maintains equilibrium with a universal vibration known to Sanatan Dharma as OM

·        I am convinced that with the right sound one can change the frequency of matter and finally bank or retrieve the required vibration one desires. Hence prayer is a set of vibrations that can communicate with matter and energy and by gazing at that matter one stimulates consciousness or OM. 

·        Here is where I am convinced that the Hindu idols have resonating vibration that produces abnormally large vibration which is shared for the benefit of their devotees.

·        Specific scientific research Modern technology, such as sound spectrum analysis and brain imaging technology, has made it possible to analyze the structure and quality of sound waves produced by chanting, as well as the physiological responses induced by the repetition of the Aum sound. Finally, science is getting interested.


Thursday, 18 August 2022

Chant of the Month AUM 22

 AUM leads many mantras.

  • Sound (nad) is the basic component of creation and is based on the sciences of Music and Mantra.
  • Now pronounce  AUM‘as one usually does and note the spiritual experience. Then prolong the duration of Om three to four times, that is  A….M….‘, and then record the experience.
  • With the prolonged Om, one experiences more energy or goes into a kind of trance, than with the usual Om.
  • The reason for this is that with the usual pronunciation only one direction is stimulated whereas with the prolonged variation all eight directions are stimulated.
  • It is for this very reason that usually when a note is prolonged a positive effect is obtained.
  • Also, for this reason, we discipline our surrounding by repeating Om three times in the beginning and at the end in prayer or any other gathering.

Why do I end or begin my message with OM.

·        I find many Hindus afraid to use the symbol AUM as a mark of the great vibration of the universe.

·        Be proud of Sanatan Dharma and by using the symbol, you harmonize with everything around it

·        I follow Santan Dharma respecting all religions and cults and have reasoned OM to be the vibration of the universe that controls the infinite universe.

·        OM kindles creation, preservation, and destruction. It will destroy the evil in that content, preserve the truth and create righteousness in the minds of the receiver. So when I end with OM It's the message of peace for our existence.

·        Being a devotee of Sanatan Dharma, when you see a symbol of AUM anywhere, the audio vibration of  AUM attracts your intellectual memory and ritually you start chanting AUMMMMMMM in your subconscious mind. This will give justice to the subject matter in view. Hence I say OM kindles creation, preservation, and destruction. It will destroy the evil in that content, preserve the truth and create righteousness in the minds of the observer.

·        OM is the highest sacred symbol in Hinduism. The word OM is so much powerful that this single word can produce powerful and positive vibrations which allow you to feel the whole universe. This mantra can be recited by anyone and symbol displayed anywhere.

Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Chant of the Month AUM 21

 No mantra is complete without the nasal consonant 

Refer to AUM - 15 for reference on consonant

  • The anuswaram (nasal sound) MMMM humming boosts the production of Nitric oxide in the body. This was known to Indians and documented more than 7000 years ago Nadaswaram (Shehnai) is an ancient musical instrument that produces a similar nasal sound
  • No mantra is complete without the nasal consonant.
  • Radha and Sita are not worshipped alone as they don't have the nasal consonant whereas Rama and Krishna are worshipped alone as they end with a nasal consonant,  hence we preach them as; Radhakrishna, Sitaram….
  •  Shiva is worshipped by adding the prefix 'Aum Namoh' as the word 'Shiva' does not have a nasal consonant. Also, shiva is chanted as Shivaye to incur the effect of the additional vowel. Probably the language in that age was not so refined.

  • If any word in the mantra is short of a vowel or consonant, an additional vowel or consonant is added to the word. Just as Shiva is venerated as Shivaya to reap the benefits of chanting the additional vowel. This is why many western sacred words like Hoong (Buddhism), Amin (Islam), and Amen (Christianity) that has the combination of vowel and nasal consonant are known as healing words.
  • The nasal consonant vibrates the plexus, bones, ganglions, endocrine, and thyroid glands. Other Chakra sounds namely Ham, Yam, Ram, Vam, and Lam all end in nasal consonants.

  • AUM is the first step of the spiritual journey towards self-realization where the drop of water (soul) merges with the ocean (Almighty).

Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Chant of the Month AUM 20

 Beej Mantra OM

The ancient yogis knew and practiced many methods that are now becoming accepted by the scientific community. One of these is the chanting of mantras. Mantras are syllables that exert an influence or effect through sound vibrations that resonate on specific parts of the body. 

Different syllables vibrate at different sound frequencies and so they will resonate with certain organs and parts of the body. The human hearing range is 20Hz to 20KHz. Aum vibrates at 432 Hz, which is quite low within our hearing range.

Frequencies of some Beej Mantras OM – 7.83 Hz Gam – 14 Hz Hleem – 20 Hz Hreem – 26 Hz Kleem – 33 Hz Krowm – 39 Hz Sreem – 45 Hz 

It is interesting to note that the universe and all its entities are also self-replicating in a cyclic orientation and continue infinitely without a beginning or an end. Om is regarded as the fuel for its existence.

The human hearing range is 20Hz to 20KHz, many such cosmic sounds were heard by Maharishis in their spiritual trance believed to have an 8-strand DNA compared to the 2 strands DNA of a normal Human, which broadened their sense spectrum. The important ones were called Beej Mantras. However, our brain can register many such vibrations but cannot convert them to audible vibrations.


Monday, 15 August 2022

Chant of the Month AUM 19

Om is a vibrational energy field

  •         Consciousness is a function of the natural frequency and the vibrational energy field which is a function of AUM that changes the vibration of an entity, which is always nearing each other creating destroying, and maintaining a universe from a quantum state.
  •         Vedic physics states that time is subtle energy or force which is manifested before the cosmic manifestation. Time moves the unmanifest material energy and controls the movements in the universe. Without the manifestation of time, the unmanifest material energy cannot become active and take form.
  •         Here lies the clue after the time fluctuations agitate; for the frequency; f, which is 1/(T ) a function of time. In simple terms is called vibration              ( periodic back-and-forth motion of the particles)
  •         Hence you may have noted that there are many uses of the symbol AUM. It is not to propagate religion but would like you to get connected with consciousness with the vibrational energy field.
  •         Note; Vibrating Field is pure energy that vibrates a field around it, and then this vibrating field of energy which is attracted like a magnet attaches to the energy of the same vibrating frequency. In our argument, it is the OM vibrations. The more vibrating energy that is compressed into this field of energy, the more intense the vibration gets within that field. Eventually, the energy field manifests into matter: particle-by-particle. As the father of Quantum Physics, Max Planck, once said, “All the physical matters are composed of vibration.”

·        NO difference between chanting OM or AUM

·        In Sanskrit, the sound "O" is spelled as a diphthong "AU". Hence, there is no difference between AUM and OM as both are transliterations of the same Sanskrit word.

·        The moment I see the OM symbol anywhere the cosmic vibration gets me connected and mentally I start chanting.

·        Trust the vibes you get, energy doesn’t lie




Sunday, 14 August 2022

Chant of the Month AUM 18

 Sri Chakra

  • When the sound AUM is fed through a device called TONOSCOPE, it is found to have developed a pattern on the screen and the pattern resembled Sri chakra which is a microscopic representation of the body and the universe.
  •         Consciousness can communicate and commune with Reality at the highest level through sound and vibrations. Realizing this Sanatan Dharma has used the tri-syllable AUM to create the vibration of singularity, which originated in the Human Body, and used the Shree Yantra to create a resonance of the vibration of OM
  •         Yantra means 'instrument' or 'machine' in Sanskrit.  The three main types of Chakra are plane, pyramidal, and spherical.
  •         The Chakra is formed by nine interlocking triangles that radiate from the center. It represents the goddess in the form of Tripura Sundari.
  •         The yantra represents the union of the masculine and feminine divinity.

 If one makes the sound of OM in front of a drop of liquid, it will transform itself into a Sri Yantra which is a very specific visual form that is symmetrical and also holographic. This Sri Yantra was revealed to Maharishis with 12-strand DNA and king-sized pineal glands more than 8000 BC. Sanskrit Mantras have a precise golden ratio of 1.618 sound harmonics (Fibonacci/ Sri Yantra ) in digital mathematical and geometrical precision and Sri Yantra is based on that ratio. The cymatics of OM is the Sri Yantra whose angle was used to construct the Egyptian Pyramids.


Saturday, 13 August 2022

Chant of the Month AUM 17

 “Om” pattern with the help of Tonoscope

  •          “Tonoscope”….. It's a device invented by Dr. Hans Jenny, basically, tonoscope is a device that makes sound visible by displaying vibrations or Tonoscope is a general term for a mechanical device that produces a visual form of an audible sound.
  •         “Om” pattern with the help of tonoscope= SHRI YANTRA'S PATTERN
  •         Or the AUMMM is found to have developed a pattern on the screen when fed through tonoscope . The pattern so developed resembles the core structure of Sri Chakra which is a microcosmic representation of the universe as well as the human body. Many such experiments and research can be found on the net.