Sound is nothing but vibrations that travel through
the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's
or animal's ear.
Then what is a vibration?
· In Physics
it is described as an oscillation of the parts of a fluid or an elastic solid
whose equilibrium has been disturbed, or of an electromagnetic wave.
· And in an
informal explanation a person's emotional state, the atmosphere of a place, or
the associations of an object, as communicated to and felt by others.
Following is an extract from;
The Good Vibrations of Quantum Field
By Don Lincoln on Mon, 05 Aug 2013
“Quantum mechanics tells us that an
electron is both a particle and a wave and you can never be certain what it
will do. Relativity tells us that clocks aren’t absolute, distances depend on
the observer, and that energy can be converted into matter and back again.
These ideas are still correct, but they’re just the tip of the iceberg
Physicists now use a class of
theories called quantum field theories, or QFTs, which were first postulated in
the late 1920s and developed over the following decades. QFTs are intriguing,
but they take some getting used to. To start, let’s think only about electrons.
Everywhere in the universe there is a field called the electron field. A
physical electron isn’t the field, but rather a localized vibration in the
field. In fact, every electron in the universe is a similar localized vibration
of that single field.
Electrons aren’t the only particles
to consist of localized vibrations of a field; all particles do. There is a
photon field, an up quark field, a gluon field, a muon field; indeed there is a
field for every known particle. And, for all of them, the thing that we
visualize as a particle is just a localized vibration of that field. Even the
recently discovered Higgs boson is like this. The Higgs field interacts with
particles and gives them their mass, but it is hard to observe this field
directly. Instead, we supply energy to the field in particle collisions and
cause it to vibrate. When we say “we’ve discovered the Higgs boson,” you should
think “we’ve caused the Higgs field to vibrate and observed the vibrations.”
This idea gives an entirely different
view of how the subatomic world works. Spanning all of space are a great
variety of different fields that exist everywhere, just like how a certain spot
can simultaneously have a smell, a sound, and a color. What we think of as a
particle is simply a vibration of its associated field.”
“Quantum fields are really a
mind-bending way of thinking. Everything—and I mean everything—is just a
consequence of many infinitely-large fields vibrating. The entire universe is
made of fields playing a vast, subatomic symphony. Physicists are trying to
understand the melody.”
Quantum is the Latin word for amount and, in modern
understanding, means the smallest possible discrete unit of any physical
property, such as energy or matter.
A discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents.
A discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents.
It is with
this theory of Physics that I come to a conclusion that AUM vibrations
recorded by science changes to obey the quantum system of particles when there
is only conscious (Human) interaction, as there is a field for every known
AUM then
becomes a vibration and a particle satisfying the undefined quantum experience
of sound.
is the key to experience the quantum AUM.
In the
Vedas, every Sloka (is a category of verse line developed from
the Vedic Anustubh poetic meter.) has a beginning with AUM and that confirms
its connection to that field of consciousness which is associated with; the
cosmic consciousness.
The great
thinkers (Rishi) of Vedic eras had a scientific explanation for all sounds that
were created to link with the cosmic consciousness and for that reasons they
were used in the writings of this great literature of the Hindus.
recommended to pronounce the sloka correctly to stimulate the vibrating fields
you are trying to reach. Thus, all Vedic sloka are in poetry formation to
enhance the spoken vibration with the cosmic vibration to communicate with the
creator or the superior force.
AUM is but one that has traveled
through every Yuga of the ever changing cyclic universe. Concluding that AUM can be described as is a vibration and a quantum
particle field vibration in the infinite variables of cosmic
The vibrations in the sun produced by creation,
sustenance and destruction creates surface disturbance on the energy
field. The surface features (flare, sunspots and photosphere,
chromosphere, and the prominence). This energy is in a quantum state and
diffuses into a steady state travelling away from the sun’s surface. The
vibration synchronizes with the universal vibration and that is the quantum AUM
we see and perceive.
The five curves of AUM represented by
the surface features of the sun and namely the solar
flares stimulate
matter and create the 'Pancha Mahabhutas’ (five forces of nature) to
sustain life on earth.
Meditating with
quantum AUM
The repetition of AUM with yoga connects the seven chakras or called the
centers of energy that move inside of us. In a healthy, balanced
person, the 7 chakras provide exactly the right amount of energy to every part
of your body, mind and spirit. This motivates our soul (Jivatman) to harmonise
with all the energy forces in and around us. With an activated soul, our
consciousness is stimulated reaching the expanded form of consciousness in
becoming one with Parabrahma or Paramatma or the cosmic consciousness.The
human body becomes an energy converter with the vibrations of the ‘Quantum
Matter and consciousness in this quantum state describes AUM with perfection and excellence establishing the infinite truth where consciousness becomes AUM or ‘AUM TAT SAT’
Matter and consciousness in this quantum state describes AUM with perfection and excellence establishing the infinite truth where consciousness becomes AUM or ‘AUM TAT SAT’
Matter is consciousness.
Theoretical physicist Max Tegmark says that
consciousness is a state of matter, undulating through phases of change based
on surrounding mathematical conditions.