Having revised this icon, I have described it with a purpose so that modern thinkers and knowledge gatherers can logically meditate on the factual perception of this mantra. With rituals, traditions, beliefs and the advancing scientific knowledge, one looked for help just to link the past and the present hence standardizing this symbol as a visual icon that would help meditators follow the prerequisite guidance in the three modes. Sun’s surface is filled with the ever changing solar flares and these flare are the generators of the sound that we are meditating, which creates, sustains and destroys. It is always represented in a three dimensional icon and the colours represents the fourth dimension.
AUM has a magical power to guide the meditator to the direction one needs at an appropriate phase with the sights and sound, yet requires time management to set the mind concentrated on the universal consciousness. You can choose the mode to suit your moods.
The creation mode
AUM in the creation mode has a property to create mass from energy, with the function of the speed of light. This vibration is uniquely defined in the creation mode and is described with the Pancha-mahabhootas (five forces of nature) included earth, water, fire, air and ether (sky). The AUM icon will show the 5 different entities converging or diverging from the centre to locate stability with the others, driving all towards the clockwise direction seeking for continuation and stabilization. The escaping solar flares are the ones sending massages of creative energy shown by the curves in the symbol going outwards.

To acquire Brahma-jñâna (knowledge of Brahma) creative students worship this form of the vibration. It represents Brahman, the impersonal, absolute, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient and the source of all manifested existence. Brahman, in itself, is incomprehensible; so this symbol is used to help us realize the incomprehensible.
Scientist, students, designers and where creation is the main objective meditate on this icon for inspiration and creative talent coordinating with a creative vibration or AUM.
The preservation mode
AUM in the preservation mode captures the surrounding force and maintains a vibration in harmony of its surroundings which is self-dependent and maintains this harmonious stabilization with its surrounding frequency, giving it a congruent system. Useful work in the preservation state is obtained by getting energy from mass in potential and kinetic energy. 432 Hz is found to be the frequency of nature. The system is subsequently in equilibrium with all the entities maintaining the clockwise direction, giving it an eternal existence. The AUM icon takes a circular image running like a wheel in the clockwise direction or going forward maintaining the preservation mode. The elephant trunk shaped curve goes in the clock wise direction conserving its energy to maintain the created mode. Observe looping back down onto the surface of the coronal loops. This is the steady state of the sun in the daily mode.
432 Hz is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. Studies reveal that 432hz tuning vibrates with the universe’s golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code and consciousness. When our atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiralling pattern of nature, our sense of connection to nature is said to be magnified. The number 432 is also reflected in ratios of the Sun, Earth, and the moon as well as the precession of the equinoxes, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, the Sri Yantra among many other sacred sites. -
See more at: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/12/21/heres-why-you-should-convert-your-music-to-432hz/#sthash.xClPBWg6.dpuf
Worshipers, householders and the upholders of Dharma meditate on this icon. It is a reminder for peace and prosperity for us and our surroundings to activate Sat Chit Ananda or god. When in a meditative state, harmonising and repetition of AUM will come naturally to you inspiring peace and prosperity.
The destructive mode
AUM in its destruction or dissolution (Pralaya) mode reverses its function. To escape from the stabilizing and aging forces the vibration reverses its role to generate a destructive mode empowered by resonance and travels in an opposite mode for destruction. The system mode is forced to enter this vibration destroying matter and energy into unstable particles, a condition that would describe a black hole. Quantum physics empowers the end and mass is destroyed when energy is converted to photons in light transporting energy in the quantum mode. This then condenses all photon energy to particle and waves in the black hole, where black is described as the absence of colour or a neutral state. The AUM Icon is shown diffusing all in the centre with the entities moving in the anti-clockwise mode making the image in the destruction mode. The black spot on the sun resembles this activity of the destructive mode.
An enormous black hole has been spotted in the sun - but do not fear, it doesn't spell the end of our solar system. Instead the giant dark spot is a gap in the sun's corona - its scorching hot atmosphere.
The giant dark spot is a gap in the sun's corona - its scorching hot atmosphere where the magnetic field reaches out into space rather than looping back down onto the surface. Here, the Sun is seen in extreme ultraviolet light. This highlights the atmosphere —the Sun’s corona. Hot, active regions are bright. The dark coronal hole is an area where very little radiation is being emitted.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3689160/There-s-hole-sun-Nasa-images-reveal-enormous-black-spot-star-s-atmosphere.html#ixzz4EMul358O
Maha Pralaya, Maha is being "the great," and Pralaya "dissolution." would also enter a divine resonance taking charge of the end of the cosmic universe. The unstable particles will then again align with a vibration of creation, preservation and destruction and stabilise for a completely new mode of existence creating a temporary dormant state of the universe. The dance of Shiva is the dance of subatomic matter, a cosmic actuality. This is the only reality where all three activities take place simultaneously and the one and only one vibration that is in constant control is the universal consciousness or AUM for the three activities namely; creation, preservation, and destruction. Therefore, there are a large number of images and icons of AUM representing the Shiva worshipers by mixing and matching the true realities of the cosmic existence mimicking the black hole.