Thursday, 23 June 2016

Evolution of the visual images of mantra AUM

Note the similarity of the surface of the sun with the exploding solar flares and the loops.
The meditative imaginations focused on the real and then the final depiction of the syllable AUM that was created in the Vedic era.

  • It was with these visuals that we can now see how the AUM icon was finally developed.
  • The sun is the subject matter we have discussed with its association with Hinduism and AUM.
  • The visual image of the surface of the sun has an influence on the sound produce in the sun.
  • The sound of the sun analysed by modern science has a close resemblance with the ancient Hindu observations.
  • I conclude that the five curves of AUM are derived from the observations of the surface of the sun and the Pancha Mahabhutas.
  • The loops are random yet a close meditative observation will allow you to see the visual icon of AUM in the audio mode.
  • The Pancha Mahabhutas (five forces of nature) has a significance of life on earth having given the upright posture of the AUM icon with five curves.
  • I  presume that the dot on top was representing the Earth
  • Aum took many shapes according to the meditative mind of the yogic observation hence any form of AUM Image is acceptable in this great democratic religion of the world – Hinduism. 
  • To appreciate my arguments please see the following pitchers taken by NASA

NASA has made it possible for us to study the Sun, its surface, the loops and how it’s formed.

You can also see the solar flare that heads for the earth, the preludetoanx and the maxresdefault with the aid of NASA‘s modern technology
A close-up of an  X1.7-class solar flare on May 12, 2013 as seen by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. Credit: NASA/SDO/AIA.
This was the observations.                  It was finally translated in the present form

Can you spot the AUM icon; with the elephant trunk shape curve?
 I call this the AUM that creates

Now this is convincing that AUM icon was developed from the observations made from the surface of the sun. NASA has studied the sun in many visual images and I find the surface of the sun depicting the symbol AUM.
The Symbol AUM represents the solar flares with many combinations which in turn are the product of vibrations. The photons with many radiations carry life supporting information. SOHO the first space probe to the sun acknowledges these phenomena.
Can you now see the similarity of the symbol AUM and the vibrations associated with it?

A complete solar eclipse also gave the same view when observed with the naked eye, the loops, the solar flares and the surface of the sun

Proba-2 view of Europe's solar eclipse

These are pictures of solar eclipse's, which were also observed in ancient times without the use of modern technologies. This enables me to proof that the great thinkers of Hinduism had a first-hand observation of the surface of the sun. I conclude that our Vedic Rishi observed these phenomena’s during a complete solar eclipse or during an eclipse when modern technological logistics were not available.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

AUM and Hinduism

The legacy of Aum from the Puranas and the Vedas has made the complex Hindu rituals prominent and uniquely acceptable with the evolution of humans or the life on earth. Aum is the only sound that initiates the Hindu faith into a real or the ever changing universe. In making this sound more acceptable it has taken the scientific definition of a matchless vibration. OM (AUM) is said to be ‘Adi Anadi’, without beginning or the end and embracing all that exists. AUM has taken the leading role and is called the Mool (Mul) mantra because its attributes are the one that is in harmony with the ever changing universe, concluding that the spiritual efficiency of this vibration is heard not by the ears but by the heart and experienced by the living body.

The only description of Aum syllable in the Upanishads
The Mandukya Upanishad is the shortest of the Upanishads – the scriptures of Hindu Vedanta. It is in prose, consisting of just twelve verses expounding the mystic syllable Aum, the three psychological states of waking, dreaming and deep sleep, and the transcendent fourth state of illumination

The importance of a visual image for the audio mode of AUM

Over centuries sounds were difficult to propagate, so the thinkers gave it a visual image. Knowing that sounds are produced as a result of vibrations and that energy is needed to create the vibrations. The visual image of AUM when translated into icons got diffused over  eons and we used the ideology only to represent Aum in many forms that history remembered but the origin of the syllable OM was lost in the misty past only the recitation was passed on from generations to generations.
This gave us the freedom to describe the image of Aum in our own representations. When the image of Aum is seen by a devotee he or she would recite the mantra Aum mentally in a state of meditative consciousness. Therefore the visual image of AUM is important to a Hindu and where necessary it would be used by the observer to meditate on AUM.

Sun and Hinduism

The sun was the only nature’s arrangement that stimulated the human consciousness. Surya (the Sun god) is one of the most important deities of the Vedas. The Hindus represented Aum as an audio mode, from observations on the surface of the sun and Swastika the visual mode. To view the sun with naked eyes was forbidden.

It has been mentioned in the Brahma Purana that everything is born of Lord Surya; everything is dissolved in him. He is the cause of origin and destruction of the universe. The following units of time have their origin in the Sun-god like moments, Muhurta (units of 48 nets), days, nights, fortnights, months, years, seasons and Yugas.

Solar deities and Sun worship can be found throughout most of recorded history in various forms, including the Egyptian Ra, the Hindu Surya, the Japanese Amaterasu, the Germanic Sól, and the Aztec Tonatiuh, among others.

Once every 15 days, the sun crosses over "power spot" and a wave of powerful cosmic energy is released. The purpose of this empowerment is to concentrate this energy into your spine and internal organs. Credit to Robert Peng
The word Swastika is normally believed to be an amalgam of the words Su and Asati. Su means ‘good’ and Asati meant ‘to exist’.
In Sanskrit, Vasa mean to inhabit and Vastu means habitation. While Su means good. The word Swastika might be an amalgam of the terms ‘Su’ and ‘Vastu’ pronounced as as ‘Swastu’) meaning ‘a good habitation’
The Hindus regarded the Sun to be a creator and guardians of this earth, modern research may be coming to terms with the Hindu believe. Read the following research.

Violent young Sun may have seeded life on Earth: study
Life on Earth may have sprung from bombardment by a youthful Sun lashing out with flares as potent as a thousand trillion exploding atomic bombs, a study suggested on Monday. Such violence may explain how Earth became hospitable to life about four billion years ago, when the planet, and its star, were much, much colder, a research team wrote in the journal Nature Geoscience.

Vibrations of the universe

The law of nature states that ‘nothing rests; everything moves; every-thing vibrates.’  Sounds are a product of vibrations and   there are many vibrations all around us. These vibrations have many frequencies. The frequency of light allows us to see or the sound waves allow us to hear but others are beyond the ability to be detected by our senses. Gamma rays, infrared or radio and television frequencies with many more are amongst the many that are in the list. Light and radiations from the sun transmit photons in abundance. These photons  are  carriers of life supporting information to all living entities on earth. Science has confirmed that everything in the Universe, including you, is a Pure Energy vibrating at different frequencies.

The most common unit of measure for frequency is the Hertz, which is one vibrational cycle per second.  Science of today can remember and reproduce any vibrations if the frequency is known. Since life began, the Earth has been in touch with all life, protecting all living things with a natural frequency pulsation of 7.83 HZ. Ancient Indian Rishis called this frequency or vibration, OM (AUM). 20Hz to 20 kHz is the Human Audio Spectrum therefore 7.83 cannot be received by us in a sound form. Hindus with its great langue of Sanskrit has recorded many such vibrations in mantras to follow the space time continuum, activating the universal consciousness to worship the divine existence.

Frequencies of various Beej Mantras in Hinduism
OM       7.83 Hz
Gam     14 Hz
Hleem  20 Hz
Hreem  26 Hz
Kleem   33 Hz
Krowm 39 Hz
Sreem   45 Hz

These cosmic sounds were heard by Maharishis in their spiritual trance believed to have an 8 strand DNA compared to 2 strands DNA of a normal Human, which broadened their sense spectrums. However our brain can register the vibrations but cannot convert to addible vibrations.
Cosmic meditation for the Mind, Body and Soul

8 strand DNA would be in harmony with the Fibonacci sequence “The Fibonacci Sequence is Nature’s Code “and it was possible that there was life on earth with 8 strands DNA 
The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where a number is found by adding up the two numbers before it. Starting with 0 and 1, the sequence goes 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and so forth. Written as a rule, the expression is xn = xn-1 + xn-2. Knowledge of numbers is said to have first originated in the Hindu-Arabic arithmetic system, which Fibonacci studied while growing up in North Africa. Prior to the publication of Liber abaci, the Latin-speaking world had yet to be introduced to the decimal number system see more at:

Fibonacci collage-spirals; note the clockwise and anti-clockwise

 NASA has finally agreed that there is one unique vibration which is steering and controlling all matter in the universe and that the visual of the surface of the sun has an influence on the sound produce in the sun.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Music of the sun recorded by scientists

Astronomers at the University of Sheffield have managed to record for the first time the eerie musical harmonies produced by the magnetic field in the outer atmosphere of the sun. They found that huge magnetic loops that have been observed coiling away from the outer layer of the sun's atmosphere, known as coronal loops, vibrate like strings on a musical instrument. In other cases they behave more like sound waves as they travel through a wind instrument. Using satellite images of these loops, which can be over 60,000 miles long, the scientists were able to recreate the sound by turning the visible vibrations into noises and speeding up the frequency so it is audible to the human ear.
Professor Robertus von Fáy-Siebenbürgen, head of the solar physics research group at Sheffield University, said: "It was strangely beautiful and exciting to hear these noises for the first time from such a large and powerful source.

  “The sun has been the inspiration for hundreds of songs, but now scientists have discovered that the star at the centre of our solar system produces its own music.”

Sounds of the Sun


This is an extract from my book "Existence Downloaded -- Activated, Operated, Terminated"

SOHO (the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) is a powerful new spacecraft. It monitors the sun twenty-four hours a day, offering new insights into our nearest star. Tracing the in-and-out heaving motions of the sun’s outer-most visible surface, named the photosphere from the Greek word photos, meaning “light”, is one method of exploring its unseen depths – says Kenneth R. Lang (Magnificent Cosmos, 1998). This “heaving”, he explains, can reach as many as ten kilometres high, travelling at a few hundred metres per second, and arises from sounds that course through the solar interior. The sounds are trapped inside the sun; they cannot propagate through the near vacuum of space – and, even if they could reach Earth, they are too low in frequency to be audible to humans.

Nevertheless, when these sounds strike the sun’s surface and rebound back down, they disturb the gases there, causing them to rise and fall, slowly and rhythmically, with a period of about five minutes. The throbbing motions these sounds create are imperceptible to the naked eye, but SOHO instruments routinely pick them out. (Kenneth R. Lang, in Magnificent Cosmos)


 Stunning but true, the sun chants AUM all the time

Sun mimics a creator

 The sun is the only reality that we know where all three activities; creation, preservation and destruction take place simultaneously. Sun mimics the entire cosmos and was observed as one of the nature gods or Vedic deities. Vedic texts of India came to a conclusion that the whole universe is the production or manifestation from particular vibration that cause a change from the spiritual energy into the material energy. Thus Aum became the audio form, representing the three modes of reality, experienced from the nearest star (our Sun) and swastika as the visual representation of the Sun. Thus Hindus by ritualistic and Vedic traditions always face the rising sun (east) or face the North Star to acknowledge the stars attributes and regard them as the witnesses to all auspicious rituals.

The Sun is a main-sequence star, and thus generates its energy by nuclear fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium. In its core, the Sun fuses 620 million metric tons of hydrogen each second.

How are elements made?
Professor Brian Cox demonstrates how the chemical elements are made in the death throes of a dying star. All 92 elements on Earth, including those that make up our bodies, were formed at the heart of a star. Small stars like our Sun produce the lighter atoms through fusion reactions. Larger stars with heavier cores make the heavier elements up to iron. The rest are forged by exploding supernovae or the death of largest stars.

Or scientifically speaking, most of the elements in the universe heavier than helium are created, or synthesized, in stars when lighter nuclei fuse to make heavier nuclei. The process is called nucleosynthesis.
This convinces us that the Star is the only creator we know.